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Polis lumpuhkan tiga sindiket pengedaran dadah jenis syabu berjumlah 6.4kg yang dianggarkan bernilai RM2.5 juta di sekitar kawasan Selangor baru-baru ini. |
Masalah dadah - sama ada pengedaran atau juga penagihan - ia merentasi sempadan.
Kerajaan tidak boleh melihat isu ini secara terpencil dan sebaliknya dalam apa juga tindakan, pendekatannya juga perlu merentasi sempadan.
Menurut Pengarah Institut Jenayah dan Kriminologi HELP University, Datuk Akhbar Satar, bagi mengatasi masalah ini, negara memerlukan kakitangan atau pegawai penguatkuasa yang cukup terlatih dan berintegriti tinggi.
Selain itu mereka perlu memiliki kemahiran dan keupayaan penyiasatan dan risikan bertaraf dunia.
Memanglah maklumat yang sahih dan boleh dipercayai bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk didapati kerana beberapa sebab.
Banyak kesalahan sukar untuk dikenal pasti pelakunya, selain tiada pihak sanggup melapor atau mendedahkannya kepada pihak berkuasa.
Memandangkan masalah ini sedang mengancam orang Melayu khususnya, perhatian sewajarnya ditumpukan kepada sindiket tempatan dan antarabangsa.
Yang bersalah perlu diheret ke muka pengadilan. Semua pihak bekuasa terbabit dengan penguatkuasaan perlu berganding bahu dan bertukar maklumat mengenai rantaian pengedaran dadah.
Menurut Akhbar, Agensi Ati-Dadah Kebangsaan merekodkan seramai 127,606 penagih bagi tempoh dua tahun iaitu antara 2013 dan 2015. Sesuatu yang mengejutkan apabila penagih Melayu adalah terbanyak iaitu 100,240 (78.54%) daripada keseluruhan jumlah penagih pada tempoh berkenaan.
Malah, membimbangkan, daripada jumlah itu 88,597 adalah penagih baru sementara 39,009 kembali kepada tibiat lama meteka. Mereka adalah pesalah berulang.
Ternyata dalam kegiatan pemulihan, masyarakat khususnya keluarga yang orang yang terdekat perlu menjadi penyokong serta pekerja bagi membantu penagih ‘menerajang atau membuang’ amalan buruk berkenaan.
Majikan jangan bersikap salah tanggapan bahawa membuka peluang kepada bekas penagih yang pernah menjalani pemulihan sebagai berisiko tinggi dan berbahaya.
Jabatan Tenaga Kerja dan Pencen di United Kingdom berpendapat bekas penagih adalah kumpulan pekerja yang terbaik.
Berikutan itu pihaknya menyediakan skim baru kebajikan bagi menggalakkan bekas penagih dan pemabuk menyertai perkhidmatan mereka.
Malah syarikat Venturetech di Houston Amerika Syarikat pula menggunakan internet bagi membantu pencari kerja daripada kalangan bekas penagih untuk memberikan mereka peluang kedua menjalani kehidupan biasa.
Dengan memiliki pekerjaan dan berpendapatan tetap, mereka diharapkan tidak kembali menjadi penagih dan pengedar..
Cara ini terbaik untuk mengelakkan mangsa kembali kepada tabiat lama.
Untuk lebih lanjut baca kenyataan Datuk Akhbar Satar di bawah. Kenyataan ini turut disiarkan oleh akhbar The Star hari ini:
“The Drug Problem – this is our Fight!”
It is shocking to hear that the National Anti-Drugs
Agency recorded a total of 127,606 drug addicts between 2013 and 2015.
According to race, the Malays recorded the highest number with 100,240 drug
addicts (78.54%) from the total cases during the period.
The ugliest part of this issue, out of the total number
of cases, 88,597 were new addicts, while 39,009 returned to their habit.
This is called repeat offenders. One of the fundamental principles of
criminology is that a small proportion of individuals commit a large proportion
of crime. Data from Marvin Wolfgang's famous Philadelphia cohort study
suggested that around 5 percent of offenders account for 40 percent of crimes.
There are two explanations for the high instance of such
repeat offenders. First, impulsive individuals, with weak social attachments to
others tend to get into trouble more frequently than less impulsive and more
attached individuals. Secondly people exposed to more crime and disorder
opportunities take advantage of such drug users.
Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) policy manager Fifa Rahman
recently stated that the biggest obstacle to reducing drug dependency in
Malaysia was the criminalising of users and the lack of support services to
prevent relapse.
To be sure the Government had allocated a total of
RM7.9mil from 2013 until last year for the rehabilitation and treatment of drug
addicts. The program has obviously not been effective.
Some have argued that jailing drug users is not the
answer to drug problems. In most cases the offenders released from prisons did
not cease the drug habit and became repeat offenders. In fact in the prison
itself, the non or new drug addicts mix with drug addicts and pushers and the
habit comes about or gets worse. Many small timer drug users “upgrade”
themselves to become drug pushers or dealers. Some even go to the extent
of joining the syndicates in the underground economy.
It is difficult to overcome addiction because of the
stigma and label that society places on them. Most recovering addicts risks put
off treatment due to facing social humiliation or fear of social consequences
and legal restrictions.
A study conducted by Tam Cai Lian and Foo Yie Chu
indidated that in Malaysia peer influence and curiosity were the contributing
factors to drug abuse.
More studies should be conducted scientifically to find
out the main contributing factors. It can be due to socio economic problems,
demand and supply, weak enforcement, integrity issue, the border issues, lack
of preventive measures, globalization and technologies enable drug trafficking
syndicate to smuggled drugs into our country. If demand keeps increasing, there
will be no end to the drug trafficking.
Since drug is a global problem, it involves transnational
syndicates. These warlords have good contacts, networking and connections in
Malaysia. According to the Royal Malaysian Police, from 2009 to 2015, the main
drug rings are from Nigeria and China but sending drug mules to South American
countries. The billion-ringgit industry involved some 30 syndicates from two
dominant players – the Iranians and Nigerians. The Nigerians first recruited
Malaysian women as drug mules, with 185 being detained between 2012 and 2015.
To address this problem, the nation needs well-trained
and high integrity law enforcement officers and good procurement of
intelligence capabilities. However, gathering reliable information is no easy
task. Many of the offences are victimless, where none of the parties has any
interest in bringing the matter to the authorities. We need to pay more
attention to the local and international syndicates and bring them to justice.
All relevant law enforcement agencies should work together and exchange information
on drug trafficking.
In terms of rehabilitation addicts need a greater role of
society or family support and a job in order to survive and kick the habit.
Employers should avoid the misconception that employing people who have been
through rehab is overly risky and dangerous.
The Work and Pensions Secretary in UK stated that ex drug
users can make the best workers. He has outlined new schemes dedicated to
getting welfare claimants with drug and drink problems into employment.
In fact, a company in Houston Venturetech, is using the
internet to advocate for the hiring of those jobseekers typically avoided by
employers, ex-offenders and those in recovery from substance abuse. This is a
good move to prevent repeat offenders.
We need to find some light at the end of the tunnel for
this great evil in our society or we will all suffer the national
consequences. We need to wake up and fight.
Dato’ Akhbar Satar
Institute of Crime & Criminology, HELP University