Thursday, July 14, 2016

TI-M - Kerajaan Salah Guna OSA Sekat Laporan Ketua Audit Negara?

Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) dengan tegas meminta kerajaan segera menarik balik sekatan Laporan Ketua Audit Negara yang diklasifikasikan di bawah Official Secrets Act 1972 (OSA).

Adalah malang apabila laporan itu ‘disorok daripada awam’ sedangkan rakyat perlu mengetahuinya.

“Apakah ada sesuatu yang kerajaan cuba sorok atau lindungi daripada orang ramai dalam laporan berkenaan?”

Jika terus meletakkannya di bawah OSA, ternyata OSA itu sendiri sudah didalahguna oleh kerajaan.

President,TI-M, Dato’ Akhbar Satar hari ini menegaskan, jika didedahkan kepada wam, kerajaan membuktikannya sebagai telus, berkredibiliti dan tidak apa yang perlu disorokkan daripada pengetahuan awam.

“Lagipun Perdana Menteri sendiri yang mengarahkan Ketua Audit Negara membuat auditan terhadap 1Malaysia Develeopment Berhad (1MDB),” tegasnya dalam kenyataan yang dihantar kepada blog ini.

TI-M juga mengulangi desakannya agar audit secara forensik dapat dibuat terhadap akaun dan transaksi 1MDB memandangkan ia akan lebih cermat, jelas dan menyeluruh.

“Perlu dilakukan melalui cara ini untuk mengetahui apakah benar ada salah laku atau penipuan oleh pihak tertentu dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara itu.

“Jika ada, pengurusan 1MDB boleh bertindak membuat penyiasatan jenayah terhadap mereka yang disyaki terbabit,” katanya.

Akhbar berkata, hanya cara ini akan membolehkan kerajaan menepis dakwaan pihak-pihak tertentu wujudnya salah laku dan penyelewengan dalam 1MDB.

“Laporan Ketua Audit Negara sudah memberikan jawapan awal mengenai kebenaran dan kenapa ada penangguhan atau menunggu serta keengganan untuk ‘memberitahu kebenaran itu” kepada rakyat?,” soal Akhbar.

Baca kenyataan beliau berikut:


By Datuk Akhbar Satar
Transparency International Malaysia

TI-M strongly urges the government not to still keep the Auditors General’s  Report on 1MDB under the Official Secrets Act 1972 but to declassify the report, table the same in Parliament for debate and inform the public on the detailed findings from the auditor general’s report. The report was submitted to Public Accounts Committee (PAC) but has not been tabled in Parliament since it is a classified document and will be violating the Official Secrets Act 1972(OSA). The report is suddenly hidden from the public using OSA.  Is there something inside the report the government wants to hide from the public? If so, it can be considered an abuse of OSA.

Declassifying the report would also enable the government of the day to prove to the public at large that it is transparent, accountable and there is nothing  to hide or cover up from the public‘s knowledge. After all this audit report is the result following the prime minister‘s own instruction to the Auditor-General to audit 1MDB.

TI-M also believes that now is the best time to declassify the report as it can avoid Sarawak Report (SR) from further publishing contents of Auditors General’s report on 1MDB which it claimed to be from the auditor general’s report even though the report is still classified under Official Secrets Act 1972 and the authenticity of the statements on the report made by SR has not been challenged by the government. The delay in declassifying the report allows public to unnecessarily form its opinion assumptions on what could have happened in 1MDB including issues of the financial management of the company, dubious transactions and corrupt practices which ultimately may not true.

Since the 1MDB is owned by the government and funded by using the taxpayers money, TI-M holds strongly to the view that the public has right to know how the money was managed by Board of Directors and Senior Management and if there is any fraud or wrongdoing committed by any of the persons entrusted to manage it.

TI-M also repeats its call for a forensic audit to be undertaken on 1MDB’s accounts and transactions since the forensic audit can unearth more details and disclose whether any fraud or wrong doing has taken place which the Auditor General’s report might not have covered or discovered since the auditor’s report would not be as detailed as a forensic audit. If the findings from forensic audit discloses there are elements of fraud and wrongdoings on the 1MDB’s management it can be used to conduct criminal investigation against the suspects.  The government has repeatedly denied wrongdoings on the part of 1MDB and claims the allegations from various quarters are untrue.

The audit report gives us some of the truth, why the hesitation and indeed the refusal to “let the truth be told”?

14 July 2016
Transparency International-Malaysia is an independent, non-governmental and non-partisan organisation committed to the fight against corruption.

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